Sistine Markdown

Sistine's Markdown engine comes from the Merlot Markdown editor. As a result, every Markdown feature supported by Merlot is supported in Sistine, and the ones not yet supported in Merlot are not yet here in Sistine, either. Most features of standard Markdown are supported, however, including

Notable features that are not yet supported include

I will probably add them to Merlot (and thus Sistine) as I come to need those features out of these apps.

Front matter in content pages

Every content page in the ./content folder of a Sistine site should be a Markdown file, optionally beginning with front matter. Front matter is a list of key-value pairs that come between two triple-dashed lines. For example, the front matter for this page is something like

title: Sistine Markdown
order: 3
description: The extra features ...

( rest of page Markdown ... )

Front matter should always begin and end with three dashes. if a particular page does not need any page variables, it may omit the front matter entirely, and the entire page will be parsed as simple Markdown.

Note that unlike in most popular static site generators, front matter in Sistine do not support the full YAML syntax -- they're simply key: value pairs between triple dashes.

Every key in the front matter of a content page defines a page variable for Sistine templates to use when rendering that page. All variables are parsed and treated as raw strings. In other words the order variable of this page is the string "3".